Diet Plans
Designed for effective weight loss that stays off! Increase your metabolism, burn more fat, and become more fit and healthy with the weight loss and wellness meal plan option.
Select one of these meal plans to enhance exercise performance or build more muscle mass. We design healthy, well balanced meal plans to support muscle building & sports performance.
Many digestive problems are connected to a toxic liver and colon. Our well-designed detoxification program along with a quality probiotic restores a healthy digestive system.
(1300, 1500, 1700 calories) 25% carb, 5% pro, 70% fat
(20% carb, 30% pro, 50% fat) (1200 Calories thru 1600 Calories)
(25% carb, 25% pro, 50% fat) (1200 Calories thru 1600 Calories)
There are a few extra foods, like nightshade plants, nuts, seeds and egg whites, in addition to the standard Paleo diet, that one needs to avoid if dealing with an autoimmune issue. Here’s an easy way to get the hang of your new healthy eating plan to help get you as healthy as you can be, and focus on everything you can eat, rather than feeling like you’re in food jail! Key features include:(1800 calories thru 2800 calories) Mixed macronutritent ratios
30% protein, 40% carb, 30% fat
30% protein, 40% carb, 30% fat
30% protein, 40% carb. 30% fat
(50% carb, 20% pro, 30% fat)
(45% carb, 30% pro, 25% fat)
(60% carb, 20% pro, 20% fat)
40% carbs, 30% protein & 30% fat
65% carbs, 15% protein & 20% fat
55% carbs, 25% protein & 20% fat
The information in this work is in no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The info on this site, and in the App contains the Doctor, Dietician, and Nutritionist developed meal plans. It is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subjects addressed in the publication. It is sold with the understanding that the author, publisher, Doctors, Nutritionists, and Dieticians are not engaged in rendering medical, health, psychological, or any other kind of personal professional services on this website, meal plans, or app. If the reader requires personal medical, health, or other assistance or advice, a competent professional should be consulted. The author, publisher, Doctors, Nutritionists, and Dieticians specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability or loss, personal or otherwise, that is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of the contents of these meal plans and info in the app. Before starting a weight-loss plan, a new eating program, or beginning or modifying an exercise program, check with your own personal physician to make sure that the changes are right for you.