Strength Training Vs Cardio

Is it more important to do strength training or should cardio be your focus. That’s actually a trick question, since you need both. You also need workouts that improve your balance and flexibility. Exercise isn’t an either or proposition. You can do all types of exercises in your workout. One thing to remember, especially for strength training, is that your muscles need a day or two of rest if you’re trying to build muscle tissue. Strength training makes microtears in the tissue and when those tears heal, it builds muscle tissue.

Strength training is important, particularly as you age.

If you’ve done the right type of strength training all your life, when you reach seventy, you’ll have the same muscle mass as someone in their 20s. You don’t have to lose muscle mass, but if you don’t workout, it happens. Strength training improves the quality of your life and helps you live longer independently. It helps prevent injury and can prevent loss of both muscle and bone density.

Strength training is important, but so is cardio.

If you’ve ever felt you needed a rest or couldn’t catch your breath after walking up a flight of stairs, you understand why cardio is important. Cardio, like strength training, burns calories, helps you sleep well at night and can improve your mood by burning off stress hormones and replacing them with endorphins. Cardio also is important for the heart muscle, aids in appetite control, helps control blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It improves your aerobic capacity, so you’ll have greater energy.

There’s a saying that weight training changes your shape, while cardio changes your size.

In other words, you need both. You also need flexibility—range of motion—and balance training to avoid injury. Luckily, some exercises are combinations of the two. If you’re walking, you’re doing cardio, but also weight bearing exercises that build leg strength. Many exercises build flexibility and balance as they build muscle and endurance. Varying your workout not only ensures you’ll get all four types of exercise, it also ensures you’ll work all muscles, avoid weight plateauing and make exercise more interesting so you don’t get bored.

For more information, contact us today at A Strong Life