Lemon Essential Oil ~ Life Gives Us Lemons

When life gives you lemons… Freshen clothes with a drop of lemon oil added to the rinse cycle Restore leather with a drop of lemon oil buffed on with a soft cloth Polish silver and jewelry with a few drops of lemon oil and a rag Remove gum and gook with a drop applied directly to the residue Wash… Continue reading Lemon Essential Oil ~ Life Gives Us Lemons

Intermittent Fasting – The 3 Popular Types

A Strong Life offers three types of intermittent fasting meal plan templates:  Intermittent Fasting Categories  I.F. 16:8 Plan – The fasting phase that lasts 16 hours. It is recommended that the users fast primarily through the night and during the morning hours. Re-feeding should occur within an 8 hour time frame once the fast is… Continue reading Intermittent Fasting – The 3 Popular Types

The Ketogenic Diet – By Dr. Washington Bryan, MD, Bariatric Physician

The following are notes provided by Dr Bryan in regards to consulting your patients when following the ketogenic plan available from A Strong Life.  This way of eating focuses on eating whole food.  This diet will change the fuel that your body uses primarily to fat.  For maximum fat burning, carbohydrate intake should be 25… Continue reading The Ketogenic Diet – By Dr. Washington Bryan, MD, Bariatric Physician

Organic ~ Consumer Tips

Even if organic foods may not be as nutritional, tastier, safer or healthier; as many of us have grown accustomed to thinking, don’t write them off just yet. They still mean a great deal to the environment and for future generations. Besides, it seems unfair to judge organic crops for failing to do something they… Continue reading Organic ~ Consumer Tips

How Are You Feeling

Most people don’t know this, but one of my favorite ways to use essential oils is for emotional support. I really can’t imagine not using these considering the stress I have had in my life in recent years, they have been a life savor! I use them when stressed, anxious, tired, unfocused, sad and yes… Continue reading How Are You Feeling