Have You Considered Intermittent Fasting?

In New Haven, CT, many of my clients at A Strong Life have chosen intermittent fasting—IF—as their route to a thinner, healthier lifestyle. There are several ways to do this type of eating style, but they all have the same premise, you modify when you eat. One plan of intermittent fasting that many people find… Continue reading Have You Considered Intermittent Fasting?

Weight Loss Starts By Eating Healthy And Meal Planning Is The Key

Is weight loss one of your goals? You need to be eating healthy to get the biggest benefits. Eating healthy isn’t dieting. In fact, many people claim they eat far more than they used to eat and lose weight. Eating healthy includes concepts of a balanced diet of whole foods, limiting added sugar, white flour… Continue reading Weight Loss Starts By Eating Healthy And Meal Planning Is The Key

Tired Of Being Sick And Tired? Try Wellness Coaching.

You wouldn’t dream of driving your car if it was out of oil or never changing the oil, taking it to the mechanic only after a problem arises, so why do you do that to your body? Rather than focusing on ways to stay healthier, people often wait until they get sick to seek relief.… Continue reading Tired Of Being Sick And Tired? Try Wellness Coaching.

Sucralose ~ Just The Facts

So, you read it on the internet, so it must be true… Right? I don’t claim to be a medical or chemical compound expert, so I’ll do my best to simplify what I’ve found, and present the facts (both good & bad). Just because something has a chemical sounding name, does that mean it’s automatically… Continue reading Sucralose ~ Just The Facts

Intermittent Fasting – The 3 Popular Types

A Strong Life offers three types of intermittent fasting meal plan templates:  Intermittent Fasting Categories  I.F. 16:8 Plan – The fasting phase that lasts 16 hours. It is recommended that the users fast primarily through the night and during the morning hours. Re-feeding should occur within an 8 hour time frame once the fast is… Continue reading Intermittent Fasting – The 3 Popular Types

The Ketogenic Diet – By Dr. Washington Bryan, MD, Bariatric Physician

The following are notes provided by Dr Bryan in regards to consulting your patients when following the ketogenic plan available from A Strong Life.  This way of eating focuses on eating whole food.  This diet will change the fuel that your body uses primarily to fat.  For maximum fat burning, carbohydrate intake should be 25… Continue reading The Ketogenic Diet – By Dr. Washington Bryan, MD, Bariatric Physician