Strength Training Vs Cardio

Is it more important to do strength training or should cardio be your focus. That’s actually a trick question, since you need both. You also need workouts that improve your balance and flexibility. Exercise isn’t an either or proposition. You can do all types of exercises in your workout. One thing to remember, especially for… Continue reading Strength Training Vs Cardio

Benefits Of Strength Training In Older Women

Once you hit 30, changes in your body start if you don’t exercise. You start loosing muscle tissue and tone. Studies show that you lose between 3% and 5% per decade. That’s only if you don’t lead an active lifestyle, so it doesn’t have to occur. Loss of muscle mass can lead to loss of… Continue reading Benefits Of Strength Training In Older Women

Health Is Your Wealth

Virgil, whose Roman name was Publius Vergilius Maro, was a poet in ancient Rome. He once wrote that the greatest wealth is health. Even though hundreds of years have passed, that remains true today. While having money and assets can bring comfort, if you aren’t healthy, they mean nothing and you can’t enjoy what you… Continue reading Health Is Your Wealth

Is Organic Safer and Healthier?

If healthier means free from bacterial contamination and other harmful organisms, the answer is no. The USDA makes no claims that organic foods are safer to eat than conventional foods. The Organic Trade Association says organic products are as safe as conventionally produced foods. Because certified organic farmers adhere to strict guidelines for safe and… Continue reading Is Organic Safer and Healthier?

Organic ~ An Informed Choice

Here’s a rundown of the evidence on contamination levels for organic and conventional products in five categories – milk, produce, meat, eggs and fish – to help you decide whether to buy organic or stick with conventional. Milk: Neither organic nor conventional milk contains antibiotics. By law, every truckload of milk, organic & conventional, is tested… Continue reading Organic ~ An Informed Choice

Organic ~ More Nutritious?

Is Organic Food More Nutritious? If you really want to stay healthy, you buy organic foods, right? But does an organic label—like the kind found on many fruits, vegetables, meats, milk, and processed foods—mean that the food is actually more nutritious? The answer, probably NOT. The truth, according to numerous research studies done, is that… Continue reading Organic ~ More Nutritious?

Organic ~ Why is it more expensive?

Since the 1990’s consumer demand has grown by the double-digits every year. Organic sales increased from $3.6 billion in ’97 to over $39 billion in 2014. However, production is not keeping up with demand. Supply shortages are one of the greatest challenges facing the industry today. Despite continued growth in production, handlers are not able… Continue reading Organic ~ Why is it more expensive?

Intermittent Fasting – The 3 Popular Types

A Strong Life offers three types of intermittent fasting meal plan templates:  Intermittent Fasting Categories  I.F. 16:8 Plan – The fasting phase that lasts 16 hours. It is recommended that the users fast primarily through the night and during the morning hours. Re-feeding should occur within an 8 hour time frame once the fast is… Continue reading Intermittent Fasting – The 3 Popular Types

The Ketogenic Diet – By Dr. Washington Bryan, MD, Bariatric Physician

The following are notes provided by Dr Bryan in regards to consulting your patients when following the ketogenic plan available from A Strong Life.  This way of eating focuses on eating whole food.  This diet will change the fuel that your body uses primarily to fat.  For maximum fat burning, carbohydrate intake should be 25… Continue reading The Ketogenic Diet – By Dr. Washington Bryan, MD, Bariatric Physician

Organic ~ Consumer Tips

Even if organic foods may not be as nutritional, tastier, safer or healthier; as many of us have grown accustomed to thinking, don’t write them off just yet. They still mean a great deal to the environment and for future generations. Besides, it seems unfair to judge organic crops for failing to do something they… Continue reading Organic ~ Consumer Tips